How To Handle The Problems Of A Yeast Infection

By June Dartford

Between children, work, spouse and a household to keep running, you have got way too much going on to be slowed down by the symptoms of a yeast infection. Learn how to prevent yeast infections and treat them with fast relief if you do get one, with the helpful advice of the following article.

Try to incorporate a good amount of garlic into your diet during the course of the day. Garlic is a great antioxidant that can help fight off the yeast in your body. Simply consume garlic with your food or use it to cook to get it into your diet in the day and night.

If you have regular yeast infections, find out if you have an overall yeast infection. The bacteria that causes yeast infections, Candida albicans, can be a sign of a systemic infection in your body. Symptoms of a systemic Candida infection include a white-coated tongue and a diminished immune system. Get tested by your doctor to find out for sure.

An excellent tip for preventing yeast infections is to always change your clothes after a workout. The sweaty gym clothes that you wear can cause a yeast infection. The moisture is held right next to your skin and will increase the chances of you contracting a yeast infection. So change and dry yourself right after a workout.

Does it seem like a yeast infections shows up with your period? Include acidophilus supplements just before, during and after you menstruate. You are sure to see a significant reduction in symptom, if not total eradication. This type of proactive action allows you to take charge to keep infections at bay.

Avoid tight-fitting pants and shorts. A yeast infection will thrive in a warm environment, and tight-fitting clothing can make you more prone to heat build up and sweating. Avoid this by wearing loose, relaxed pants and shorts, or wear skirts that will help to keep you cool as the day wears on.

When searching for a bit of a reprieve from the pain and itching of a yeast infection, you may find apple cider vinegar to be incredibly effective. By pouring a cup of this vinegar into your bath water before taking a soak, you can achieve a surprising level of soothing relief.

Eating yogurt every day can help prevent yeast infections. The bacteria in yogurt helps fight the organisms that cause a yeast infection. However, it is important to keep in mind that eating yogurt will not cure an already-existing yeast infection.

Keep in mind that certain medications can cause yeast infection by killing the good bacteria in the vagina that help to prevent yeast infection. Antibiotics, medications for urinary tract infection and birth control pills are just a few of these culprits. If you have problems with yeast infections, consult your doctor and ask about alternative medications that may not cause problems.

Thrush is a yeast infection of the mouth that commonly occurs in babies and young children. If your child has this kind of yeast infection, it is important that he or she swish Nystatin, an antifungal agent, around their mouth. These can usually be found in most pharmacies or can be prescribed your a doctor.

When treating a yeast infection with creams or suppositories, do not depend on a diaphragm or a condom for birth control. These medications often contain oils that can weaken the latex of barrier forms of birth control. Use an alternate form of protection until you are finished with the course of treatment.

To relieve the burning and itching of a yeast infection, apply the juice from an aloe vera plant. You can also apply the juice to a cotton pad, place it in the fridge, and apply the cool liquid for soothing relief. Note that the aloe does not fight the yeast--it merely soothes the external symptoms.

Diabetics are more likely to have common yeast infections. If you are a diabetic, maintaining your blood sugar levels will reduce the chances of another yeast infection. High glucose levels contribute to yeast infections and other types of infections. The better you control your levels, the better you will feel and the fewer infections you will have.

Now that you are aware of more information about yeast infections, handling them should be easier. Even if you have never suffered from a yeast infection, you can still use what you have learned at face value and be more knowledgeable about the human body for the future!

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