Botox as a Lifestyle Choice

By Andrew Wughin

Botox has become the preferred alternative to cosmetic surgery. Surgery is much more expensive and a large group of the population simply does not have the financial resources for this. On the other hand, Botox is affordable, there's little down time and the procedure is a fine needle that is painless.

For over twenty years, Botox has been used safely for both cosmetic and medical purposes. There are a lot of myths about Botox. One of them is that it is poison being injected into patients. This is not accurate. It is a bacterium called clostridium botulinum that has been purified under very strict controlled conditions.

Good Botox is Hardly Recognizable

Even though Botox is so widely used, and with so many great results, there still exists a kind of a prejudice against the brand and those that seek out the procedure. Like many beauty treatments, it is sometimes associated with frivolity and given a bad and undeserved reputation. There will always be people who take cosmetic procedures to the extreme. One should not look at the extreme examples to gauge the excellent results that Botox can achieve in the right circumstances. A well trained physician who is experienced in Botox injections will not produce the kind of extreme examples noted. There should be very no impact on the ability to produce natural facial expressions, when administered carefully by an experienced practitioner.

Age and our Skin

It is no mystery that lines and wrinkles take shape as we age as a outcome of skin changes. Some of the most usual problem areas include the areas on the forehead, encompassing the eyes and around the mouth. Oftentimes, the outcome is a look of fatigue. To achieve a rejuvenated appearance, Botox goes right to the origin of the issue. The muscles of the face that are creating the deep lines and wrinkles are targeted.

When people smile, frown or make other facial expressions, wrinkles begin to form over time. A certain group of muscles is activated for each expression, and these muscles give rise to crease lines that form into permanent wrinkles. By a simple process of inhibiting these muscles from causing creases, Botox goes about reversing this process.

The Day, What to Expect, and your Doctor

You will not be administered an anesthetic for this procedure, but before your treatment, your specialist may numb the injection site slightly. Normally, there procedure is quite fast. Usually, it will take under ten minutes. And there is no recovery time required, so you can go back to work or off to another errand if desired.

Botox courses are offered to doctors, dentists, assistants of physicians, and licensed nurses. This varies from state to state and it's important to understand that only physicians can buy Botox and it must be administered either by the physician or someone under their supervision.

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