If you Can Only Afford One, Astaxanthin Should be it

By Stephen Patton

In recent times there has been a load of knowledge about new discoveries of antioxidants found in various sources. Several vitamins have antioxidant properties. Vitamin E and C are two kinds of vitamins that are rich in antioxidant action. Beta Carotene and Lycopene are a few examples. The latest and probably the most powerful discovery is a substance known as astaxanthin. There are a lot of reasons why Astaxanthin is believed to be the king of antioxidants.

Astaxanthin is a carotenoid. It is what gives wild salmon that pink-to-red pigmentation that people have come to expect. Certain algae make astaxanthin. Some marine animals get it by eating the algae. Others eat smaller fish which have this nutrient. However, it is not easy for a human to eat enough fish to acquire a useful level of this nutrient.

Astaxanthin is the victor amongst the carotenoids. Vitamins A, E, and C really don't even compare to the power of Astaxanthin. In addition, it deals with another type of oxidation known as singlet oxygen quenching. It is five hundred fifty times stronger than vitamin E and eleven times stronger than beta carotene when neutralizing singlet oxygen.

Some antioxidants can combine with free radicals in such a way that they become different kinds of free radicals when taken in large doses. Vitamin E is an example of this. Larger doses of astaxanthin, however, do not do this. Its molecule structure protects its stability, thus is strength.

This nutrient is fat soluble, meaning that it is able to go into the cell membranes. It is also able to cross the brain/blood barrier and the retina/blood barrier. As a result, it can be used to help mental acuity and eyesight. Macular degeneration, one of the most common causes of the loss of eyesight, is slowed or even prevented.

It goes into the your skin and helps in order to avoid sun-damage. It protects from UV light from the sun. Don't just rely on sunscreen. You need to be thinking of how to further enable the body to mop up free radicals from sun damage.

Be on the guard against man-made astaxanthin. Sometimes you simply have no idea what you're consuming. Moreover, the synthetic ingredients are less potent. Take the natural form.

Other antioxidants metabolize and exit the body in a day, however, it is not so with this nutrient. This makes a supplementing routine much easier. If you miss a day there are no worries. The majority of people take astaxanthin each day with a principle meal. Remember, it is better absorbed with food that contains fat.

It is rare to have so many health benefits in just on nutrient. This is why many will be telling others about it sooner or later, especially as more studies become available. Why would somebody not talk about a nutrient that has such benefits as the following: skin protection, aging protection, liver protection, increased sperm count, memory improvement, heart disease protection, and protection against neurodegenerative ailments.

Make no mistake about it, the eyesight and Astaxanthin antioxidant benefits are only the beginning of what it offers. Regularly visit your medical doctor for advice.

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