Healing After Undergoing Surgery

By Chet Sandeksi

Runners thrive off a certain pride that comes from accomplishing certain feats. Sprinters remember well the fastest they have ever run a mile; they also remember their normal running speed.

Becoming a better runner can take time and you will want to take time investing yourself in the process of becoming a better runner, to ensure that this is what you want. While you are figuring out how to become a better runner, you may want to start running with a group.

Running with a group can be a great way to give yourself the motivation that you need to push a little farther or run a little faster. Getting together with people that are in similar shape can help you avoid frustrations that occur when you run with those on other running levels.

Although it is true that you have to tear down your muscles to rebuild them again, burning them to a crisp is not the best way to improve yourself physically. This becomes a huge problem for runners who take month long breaks.

Second, you should avoid drinking alcohol. When you drink alcohol you dehydrate your body and your skin which can inhibit your skins ability to reproduce and replace the skin around the area that you haves been scarred. Rather than drinking alcohol, try to keep your body hydrated by drinking enough water. When you drink water you will be hydrating your body and your skin to ensure that your skin is able to reproduce and help your scar diminish in color and texture.

Third, caring for the site of the incision can also help you minimize your chances of scarring. When you have an incision from an electrosurgical procedure or any other type of surgery, you should keep it sterilized and follow your doctor's orders concerning the incision site.

The sobering truth you have to realize is that when you do not work out for an extended period of time, you will not come back nearly as strong as you left. Your muscles go through atrophy when you don't use them. Atrophy begins as quickly as four days after your last workout. Within less than a week, you begin deteriorating.

When you find that you are worried about your scar, you should discuss this worry with your doctor. Follow what your doctor says and ensure that you are keeping in touch with your doctor about the progress that you and your scar are making.

If you enjoy running but take a break for a while, do not expect yourself to run at the same intensity as you did before. Realize that your muscles have undergone such a change, that they cannot handle the challenge that you are presenting to them.

You have mastered the mental game, but you need to decrease your usage of this skill to stay healthy. Otherwise you risk injury and electro surgery, which will only damper your aspirations to run at full strength again.

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