Austin Chiropractor Alleviates Pain Associated With Bad Posture And Spinal Dysfunction
By Carla Bergoba A bad posture is commonly associated with back ache and restricted movement as pressure is placed on the regular position and function of the spine. Abnormal curvature causes the vertebrae in the column to become skewed and places strain on the sensitive tissues and nerves. The Austin chiropractor advises on the options available to fix postural alignment for healthier operation and relief from back pain. The poor alignment of the spine can occur as a result of a curved posture where the shoulders move forward or an extreme stance is adopted. This means that additional weight is applied to the spinal column and the associated nerves that increases risk of muscle stiffness and tension. Painful symptoms can be caused by the abnormal distribution of weight placed on the joints rather than being supported by the back muscles. Chiropractic is a specific form of therapy that aims to correct posture problems with safe and natural intervention. A professional can ass...